08 Jun 2024
(Português do Brasil) Mercedes-Benz do Brasil
(Português do Brasil) Em junho, o HUB Juiz de Fora realizou a Ação de Cozinha, que envolveu 12 colaboradores da Mercedes-Benz, além da presença da diretora do GoodTruck, Renata Gonçalves, e a pessoa responsável pela gestão do voluntariado corporativo, Beatriz Galil. O objetivo da ação foi de integrar os voluntários numa atmosfera de conexões interpessoais, aprofundamento no tema Gastronomia Sustentável e da questão central da nossa atuação comunitária: o combate ao desperdício de alimentos e a insegurança alimentar no território vulnerabilizado.
A Mercedes-Benz é patrocinadora do projeto Apadrinhamento Comunitário em Juiz de Fora, sendo o bairro Dom Bosco o território beneficiado desde 2023 com a implementação das iniciativas do Good e da recorrência de ações e entregas, sejam elas de alimentos ou conteúdos educacionais sobre nutrição e saúde.
Nesse dia, na nossa cozinha parceira (Faculdade Estácio de Sá), recepcionamos os participantes com um café da manhã nutritivo e um ambiente acolhedor. Tivemos a oportunidade de apresentar o Good e compartilhar com mais detalhes a nossa atuação local. Cada voluntário também se apresentou e daí seguiram as atividades facilitadas para a vivência. Com o equilíbrio entre mão na massa nas produções das refeições e também espaços de informação, reflexão e construção, o time experenciou atividades diversas e complementares. O momento da cozinha foi de cortar e preparar os ingredientes; cozinhar o alimento; e montar as marmitas para entregar para as famílias. E o espaço de informação contou com uma atividade de reflexão sobre o desperdício de alimentos na cadeia alimentar; e uma atividade de construção de boas práticas para redução do desperdício.
(Português do Brasil) Almoçamos todos juntos o que foi preparado a muitas mãos, montamos as marmitas e seguimos de van para a comunidade. Lá, fomos recepcionados com respeito e reconhecimento por pessoas que foram buscar as doações. A entrega continha a refeição + material impresso da iniciativa Saberes e Sabores sobre comensalidade + kit de saúde bucal. Cerca de 120 pessoas do bairro Dom Bosco foram beneficiadas com essa ação. No local, os participantes caminharam pelas ruas e se relacionaram diretamente com as pessoas que ali residem, experimentando na prática o movimento de sair da bolha e reconhecer a realidade de outros contextos sociais, característicos de territórios vulnerabilizados.
Ao retomarmos para a cozinha, o grupo compartilhou suas impressões e aprendizados, enfatizando o sucesso da ação e a evolução da relação entre GoodTruck, Mercedes-Benz e a comunidade Dom Bosco.
24 May 2024
(Português do Brasil) Novo Nordisk Brasil
(Português do Brasil) Em maio, o HUB São Paulo se reuniu com 28 voluntários da Novo Nordisk Brasil. No total, foram 7 horas de atividades de voluntariado corporativo, que resultaram em 229 marmitas feitas, sendo 189 distribuídas para os moradores da Comunidade Chaparral, localizada na Zona Leste de São Paulo. No total, a ação gerou cerca de 14kg de sobras de alimentos, que posteriormente foram compostadas.
Além da ação de cozinha, nossa equipe também preparou duas estações de reflexão em grupo, uma em que conversaram sobre a realidade das famílias que vivem em situação de vulnerabilidade social; e a outra em que puderam discutir e transcrever suas ideias em cartolinas sobre o processo que os alimentos passam até chegar em nossas mesas.
(Português do Brasil) A atividade deu inicio na sede da empresa, onde nossa equipe se encontrou com os voluntários e, juntos, pegaram um ônibus até a comunidade atendida. Os voluntários foram recepcionados por um café da manhã, e antes de darmos início, tivemos uma fala da diretora executiva do GoodTruck Brasil, Renata Gonçalves.
Antes de finalizar o dia, os voluntários entregaram as marmitas para as famílias da comunidade e, também, puderam conhecer um pouco mais da realidade daquelas pessoas junto à líder local.
01 Mar 2024
Euromonitor International
At the beginning of 2024, we formed a partnership with the Euromonitor International team. With the collaboration of 31 volunteers from the company, we were able to prepare 147 vegetarian meals, which were distributed to the Nova Doroteia community, located in the south of São Paulo.
Beside that, we also had the opportunity to make another dynamic, where we proposed reflections on the process that food goes through until it reaches our plates. To do this, they were divided into 2 groups of 6 people, and were able to transcribe their knowledge and ideas onto cardboard, so that they could later present it to the other group.
We started our activities at Euromonitor International, took the bus and transported to CEU Alvarenga, where the dynamics were carried out. The volunteers were welcomed with breakfast, and before starting the dynamics, we talked a little about our missions and values.
After finishing the dynamics, and with all the lunch boxes ready, it was lunch time, and then we went to the community to distribute the food. Before ending the day, we had the help of the local leader, Amanda, who, in addition to helping with the preparation and distribution of lunch boxes, told us a little about the vulnerable reality of families living in the Nova Doroteia community.
22 May 2023
Grupo Boticário – Direct Sales Team
In May 2023, in partnership with Boticário's direct sales team, we carried out a large meal preparation initiative for residents of the 29 de Março community, which is already a GoodTruck's partner and beneficiary of the Logística do Bem program. This time, 50 Boticário employees volunteered to prepare 370 meals.
In addition to preparing meals, we also proposed reflections on team building, using kitchen dynamics to address aspects of teamwork and cooperation in the volunteers' day-to-day work.
We started our activities in the morning at the European Institute, which was the headquarters for our cooking activities and dialogue with the participants. Before getting down to business, we held a conversation about the day's objectives, asking participants to reflect on the relationship they have with the act of eating.
When we finished preparing and assembling the lunch boxes, we headed, with chartered transport, to 29 de Março, in the CIC region (Industrial City of Curitiba). There, we had the support of the local leader, Juliana, to organize the distribution of 370 lunch boxes to the community’s residents. To end the day, we proposed a walk through the community, so that participants could have closer contact with the reality of vulnerability that many Brazilians face on a daily basis.
11 Jul 2023
Our activity with Tate&Lyle in July 2023 represented another chapter in this institutional partnership that has lasted since 2020. The activity was attended by 20 volunteers from the company, some of whom are already recurring in our activities, and focused on preparing meals for distribution in the community of Nova Dorotéia (south zone of São Paulo) and its surroundings.
The activity, however, began even before the day of cooking. A few days in advance, we held a virtual meeting with registered participants for a “pre-action”. We believe that this moment prior to the practical activity is essential to explain our motivations, our objective for the activity and to resolve any doubts about how the day of activities will go.
On July 11th, the day we actually went into the field to work together, our day began with a meeting at the Tate headquarters, with our team welcoming the volunteers to go together, with chartered transport, to the location of the activity.
The place chosen for us to cook was CEU Alvarenga, a public space managed by the city of São Paulo and which has an ideal kitchen for preparing the meals we propose to our volunteers. The menu chosen was rice, lentils and sautéed vegetables. It is important to highlight that all the vegetables used in our recipe were obtained through our Logística do Bem program, which serves the Nova Dorotéia community on a weekly basis.
Inside the kitchen, we divided ourselves between washing vegetables, peeling them, chopping them and then cooking them. While the ingredients were in the pans and cooking, we then proposed a moment of dialogue and reflection on the food itself. The volunteers were asked questions to reveal what feelings the act of eating involved for each of them. This reflection has also been proposed to members of the communities benefiting from our programs, and it was impactful to realize the different feelings that “eating” can awaken in someone when there is an abundance or lack of food.
With the food ready, we took a break to have lunch together, taking advantage of the moment to address the concept of commensality, which represents the biological importance of the ritual of sharing meals with other people. After another brief moment of exchanging reflections and feelings on the topic, we assembled 192 lunch boxes, which were transported to the community and delivered to residents by Tate employees.
We ended the day by returning to Tate's headquarters, physically tired, but with the feeling of having contributed, together, by bringing a moment of happiness and a very tasty experience to the residents of Nova Dorotéia.
ParkShopping Barigüi
This partnership with ParkShoppingBarigüi was the fulfillment of a big dream for us. The event was a social marketing action, in which PKB sponsored a GoodTruck social action on behalf of Multiplan's Multiplique o Bem project. We invited 12 digital influencers to participate in an immersion in volunteering, and the result was incredible. This was one of the first events of 2020, and for us it was the best possible way to welcome the new year.
We welcomed our guests at the PKB event center, ParkCultural, for a morning full of learning and insights. Our founder and facilitator Gabrielle Mahamud presented various activities and dynamics so that the group could reflect on privileges, inequality, conscious consumption and sustainability. Both PKB and the influencers made a complete coverage of everything that happened throughout the day, in order to disseminate this information to all the public that follows them via social networks.
The afternoon was full of laughter and fun. We set up a kitchen especially for this event, and all the volunteers got their hands dirty (literally). Using only inputs that were rescued from the CEASA food bank and donations from partner industries, this team produced more than 250 delicious dishes of potato gnocchi with tomato sauce, rice, vegetable mix and salads!
To complete the day, we went to the Nova Primavera community - which is close to the mall - and distributed the dishes. As we were in January and close to the return to school, we also brought donations of dozens of school supplies kits and distributed them to the children! This was a super special and unforgettable day for all of us. Check it out:
Our first corporate volunteering event outside Paraná and with a public company! The action with CELESC (the company responsible for the commercialization and distribution of electricity in Santa Catarina), was overly special. The team of volunteers was made up of 15 employees in the service area at Joinville headquarters, and everything happened in an atmosphere of great union and collaboration.
We met at CELESC headquarters and the whole morning was dedicated to the presentation of our methodology - dynamics, conversations and hands-on activities. This time, we planned to meet the specific needs requested by them, including concepts about healthy interpersonal relationships and the construction of a good working environment in addition to the traditional issues of social inequality, sustainability and empathy.
In the afternoon, we went to the UNISOCIESC kitchen and prepared delicious meals using ingredients that were collected from the surplus of local supermarkets and street markets, and which, despite being in perfect condition, were ready to go to waste. It was a fun, memorable and learning-filled afternoon.
In the third and final stage of the event, the team brought about 130 meals to distribute to some families living in a peripheral area of Joinville, and for this we had the support of local residents, who helped us in the conduct of this process. More than just the delivery of individual meals, this moment was also one of many meaningful conversations between volunteers and residents, providing a very exciting moment for everyone involved. In the video below you can see some of the most incredible moments of this action and also the testimony of some volunteers:
Grupo Boticário – Time Perfumaria
This was certainly one of the events that made history for us. Our goal was to promote an end-of-year social action to celebrate the fulfilled goals and dreams of the Boticário Group's perfumery team throughout 2019. The group consists of 47 employees, including assistants and researchers, who take care of fragrances, packaging, projects and everything that involves the Group's perfumery. The most special part is that it was our only corporate volunteer event involving children to date.
We welcomed the volunteers in the morning with a delicious snack served in the event center of the Hotel Slaviero Essential, where we began our sequence of activities, facilitations and conversations on the issues of inequality, social vulnerability and sustainability. It was a very productive and insightful morning! This moment of awareness is very important, as it is right there that we plant the seeds of change in the hearts of the participants and encourage them to leave that event willing to do more for the world in which we live.
After lunch, we took them to institution Lar Mãe Maria, in São José dos Pinhais - PR, where around 50 babies, children and adolescents live under the temporary supervision of the Home. It was a very fun and special afternoon! The volunteers were divided into 2 groups that were alternating. One of them played games and entertained the children in the sports gym that the space offers, and the other group was in the kitchen preparing an incredible snack that was served in the late afternoon - including pizza, pies, quibe and fruit salad. One observation: the children also participated in this moment in the kitchen very hands-on! Everything happened under the supervision of our team.
At the end of that full of energy, games and gastronomic workshops day, everyone enjoyed the shared snack and went on to the most special moment of all: the delivery of gifts, after all, Christmas was close! The perfumery team bought a gift for each resident child in the Home, and also provided costumes for Santa and Mrs. Claus. And that was how, with a flourish, we ended this very moment. Check out the best moments:
Grupo Boticário – Time Make
The volunteer action with the Makeup team of Boticário Group was beautiful, exciting and unforgettable. We thought about the event as the celebration and closing of the year 2019, after all, it was the last official activity that the team carried out outside the work environment. In total, 45 employees participated, including pharmacists and chemical engineers, all responsible for the development of Boticário Group's makeup lines.
Our morning started inside the Group's headquarters where we presented our methodology and carried out hands-on activities, facilitations and meditations. We worked hard on issues such as empathy and compassion, and we also raised awareness among the group about the issues of social vulnerability, inequality and food waste. In the afternoon, we took the team to the institution Lar Jesus Maria José, which is in São José dos Pinhais - PR, for a sequence of activities that was sure to leave any eye watery. This Home is shelter to more than 100 elderly people who used to live in vulnerable situations (they suffered abuse from their family or ended up living on the street, for example) and now have a much healthier and more dignified life, thanks to the care of the team of caregivers, doctors and nurses who work there.
Our volunteers were divided into 3 teams and performed different functions throughout that special afternoon: a team responsible for games and playing, bringing music and fun to the residents of the home (there was even a bingo!); a beauty team, which brought products from the Boticário Group and gifted the residents of the Home with a “makeover day”, doing makeup, nails and hair; and of course, the kitchen team, which was responsible for preparing a delicious dinner for all residents and staff of the Home.
At the end of the day, we also delivered a personalized gift to each elderly resident and hundreds of donations of hygiene and cleaning items to the Home administration. We had a beautiful closing, with an emotional speech by the founder of the institution, Maria José, and we all returned home with a super warm and transformed heart. These memories make us miss that day! Watch the best moments:
Grupo Boticário – Time AP+AR
Trainees 2020
Our first event for Boticário Group was one of the most special and striking in our history. The management of the AP + AR team (team responsible for the research and development of O Boticário's products and packaging) wanted to promote a solidarity action with and for its almost 90 employees, with the objective of doing good, awakening a more empathic outlook and promoting greater team connection and unity. This action took place on October 11, 2019, and lasted for more than 10 hours of immersion.
The team was welcomed with a delicious breakfast at the Hotel Centro Europeu and spent the entire morning in the midst of facilitations, dynamics and guided meditations. It is at this point that our methodology is presented and participants begin to question their behaviors, consumption habits and the way they interact with people and contexts different from their own. Our goal there was to try to burst bubbles and established preconceptions; to practice active listening and to raise awareness about the problems of social inequality and food waste.