Become a
monthly donor

We are a non-profit organization that works and maintains its operations with projects in partnership with companies that believes in our work. The resources raised here will be used to continue the initiative and increase our impact every day.

Can we count on you?


R$30.00 a month


R$90.00 a month


R$130.00 a month


R$30.00 a month


R$90.00 a month


R$130.00 a month


Make a donation

Donations of any value help us to continue working for a world with less inequality and less food waste!

Why donate?

The third sector is an important
social act for a country

Acts in the gaps left by the public and private sector, seeking to promote social welfare and care for the environment. We work to achieve goals that supplement the needs of the population related to access to quality food, to reducing food waste, and to education for a more conscious and empathic consumption and lifestyle.Organizations like GoodTruck are important social roles for a country, since they guarantee relevant benefits for the population, complementing the work of the State. For this reason, investment in NGOs is an act of love for others and for society as a whole.

Regional development

In addition to the benefits offered to people in need of support, NGOs provide opportunities to create a community. The union of people around a cause that affects them is a form of relevant social interaction, which arouses other feelings that can contribute to regional development. At GoodTruck, volunteers organize themselves to carry out other donation and education actions on their own (we are very happy to provide this type of connection).

Happiness and accomplishment feeling

Helping others proves to have the best feelings of happiness and fulfillment through the production of neurotransmitters of well-being. By making a donation, we feel that we are contributing to improving the lives of others, society and we feel useful to the world. In recent research, it was proven that, when we perform any act of kindness, we activate a region of the brain that guarantees us the sensation of pleasure. Together, we can do even more <3